About Kriegskommand

The idea for Kriegskommand began in 2003, when I first began to play Silent Hunter II. When additional versions came online, it was difficult not to dream of a place to go and have access to single and multiplayer submarine simulation opportunities. This site is dedicated to that effort.

This site is in its infancy. If you come back in a month, it will likely look very different. However, it was time to begin this project and I saw no benefit in waiting to create more and better graphics and pages. It is what it is and the time is ready to have it available.

This first page is designed specifically to help Atlantik Kampagne players to be able to view instructional videos for their upcomming monthly missions.

I hope you enjoy the first installment, Mission 8.

Below, please find a video you'll need to view to prepare for mission 8. Just press the play button. When you've completed the video, pick up the hotlink to download the missions '.kth' file.

Good luck and good hunting.





Copyright 2009, Kriegskommand.com.All rights reserved. Kriegskommand is not responsible for any injuries caused by the improper use of this information.